22 March 2017
The second Impact Series report focuses on Water and Energy. The study is a collaboration between Barclays Research and the Columbia Water Center, one of the leading water and environmental science institutions in the world. The report addresses causes of global water stress stemming from aging infrastructure, overuse, inefficiency, and increasing drought, among other factors. It also explores how energy companies can play a positive role in alleviating water stresses through adopting innovative practices, harnessing new technologies, and deploying capital. The report largely focuses on the U.S. and analyzes three industries: the oil and gas industry, public utilities, and water utilities. It also includes case studies of best practices by various companies in each of the industries explored.
Barclays Authors
Zachary Sadow
Daniel F. Ford, CFA
Mark Lewis
Rose-Lynn Armstrong
Columbia Water Center Authors
Professor Upmanu Lall
Michelle Ho
Angela LaSalle
Important Content Disclosures
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